A week or so of researching and reading up on the subject and taking a course on Udemy which was very helpful, I decided to step into the unknown waters of social media ads with caution. Start with a small amount, they said, hence. This is what happened:
I went to the page I created for my ebooks on fb, and created an ad, went through the process fairly smoothly till I got to the payment page. I paid through Paypal, and the page went straight back to 'create an ad' page again, with no confirmation of any kind. And facebook is not known for reverting to customers is what I gathered when I entered my question in the search bar(also learnt that I wasn't the only one with this issue). Then someone in the forum suggested using Power Editor but that works only on Chrome, so did that. It must be one of the clunkiest pieces of software/tools that I've worked with in my life. After wrestling with it for a while (you have to hit the Campaign tab, create a campaign, and then create an ad, and hit upload button), I was puzzled by the audience reach which was 20. It just wouldn't go beyond that ridiculous number even if I included all the continents in the audience tab. I gave up and was toying with 'Pay with a tweet or a post' mode. Meanwhile I wrote in the fb forum, and again, I wasn't the only one with the issue. It was good to know in a safety in numbers sort of way, but it wasn't good when you realised fb wasn't answering anyone on the issue.
Then suddenly it occurred to me while I was fiddling with Power Editor why the number didn't go beyond the stubborn 20. Here's why. There's a field in the audience section where you decide who sees your message. In that there is a field that says : 'target people who are connected'. And if I entered my facebook page url in that field, the audience reach number immediately went to 20 and refused to budge. But it changed once I removed my facebook page I created for my books. And, oh, just received an email from facebook saying my ad was approved. Will let you know how that goes. Hope you found this useful.