Charging is but a brief interruption
That fills and drains its hour on the iPhone
To be seen no more
A tale bought by an idiot
Full of apps and games
Signifying nothing
Maybe the Bard would have said, ‘forsooth’ to those watered down lines if he had been using a smartphone but you get the drift.
My iPhone battery went 49% last night to dead in the morning. I hadn’t made a call, watched a clip or listened to a song. Just like that. Gone. All 49%. Not 29%. Not 15%. But 49%. If you though fireflies had a short life, you probably don’t have an Apple product, all of which uniformly have this malaise plaguing them. From their iPads to MacBooks to iPods. While you are admiring the sleek new iDon’t Know What, its shape, colour (it’s in yellow now!), size and other features, you almost always gloss over the crucial question: how long does the damned battery last?
Talking of ‘i’, it seems to me, an Apple fan (at least until Jobs was around), that the ‘i’ stands for iteration. Not innovation or inventiveness. If you notice, all the recent releases have been variations of the same offering. Smaller iPad, longer iPhone, cheaper, wider, slimmer, five dimensional, in outer space but nothing new and groundbreaking and category-changing revolutions like the iPad or iPhone or iTunes when they were launched. Just more iterations.
Good thing I’m not writing this on my iPhone or iPad but a Mac connected to a power source. Otherwise it would have