Welcome to IAmGrateful app
Being grateful is a redeeming quality in everyone. It anchors us in solid ground in the ever changing fortunes of human life with its constant ups and downs, gains and losses, entries and exits. This app, I Am Grateful helps you record all that you are grateful for, be it a beautiful day, a warm hug from your child, your understanding family, friends who never let you down, or simply for waking up today. There's a whole lot of things we can and should be grateful for, and this app helps you be in touch with it.
PRIVACY POLICY: The App, 'I Am Grateful' does not need your log in details or any personal information. It does not track your data.
Image credits to these great people on Unsplash: Zen stones by Bekir Dönmez, Milk bottle by Monika Grabkowska , Cycle by Cassidy Dickens, Lemon by Markus Spiske