Coding teaches you some important lessons though: 'close what you open' is one of them. The other being how something as lowly as a comma or a semicolon can mess up your result beyond recognition. In programming, everything is not just essential but critical. So never treat a comma with contempt for it can have you going through reams of code just to laugh at you villainously from its non-existent space. It is not for nothing that people have spoken in hushed tones about the wrath of a curly brace scorned. Treat every bit of code with respect. Just like in life. Never look down your nose on the tea lady for she knows what goes into your cup.
There are life lessons everywhere as a matter of fact. For instance, swimming teaches you a crucial lesson: shut your mouth and keep your eyes open. And relax for heaven's sake. And float (or float left; to be more in tune with this post).