dheivam endrunnaich charave ennai
Saera ozhiththai Arunachala
Arunachala! Thinking of you constantly I came to you and surrendered, considering you as my protector god (rakshaka dheivam), and you destroyed my body-ego-consciousness and vasanas at one fell swoop!
When I came to you thinking of you as god who will make me prosper, you destroyed ‘Me’ instead taking me as sacrifice (Bali says TRK which is sacrifice as in sacrificial lamb context). All that I thought were my possessions such as my body and mind you took and destroyed completely. (Usually one goes to god to live well which almost always means body-mind related health and wealth, but instead of giving that Bhagavan says Arunachala destroyed both which are what is considered ‘me’).
Here, the efforts of reaching Arunachala have been rewarded instantly. God has done what he is supposed to do which is complete destruction of body-mind consciousness. This great help is only due to the boundless grace of Arunachala.
Even if we worship Arunachala in dwiata bhava (considering him as separate from us) he still destroys our ego by his grace and makes us one with him is the meaning of this verse.
Saera ozhiththai Arunachala
Arunachala! Thinking of you constantly I came to you and surrendered, considering you as my protector god (rakshaka dheivam), and you destroyed my body-ego-consciousness and vasanas at one fell swoop!
When I came to you thinking of you as god who will make me prosper, you destroyed ‘Me’ instead taking me as sacrifice (Bali says TRK which is sacrifice as in sacrificial lamb context). All that I thought were my possessions such as my body and mind you took and destroyed completely. (Usually one goes to god to live well which almost always means body-mind related health and wealth, but instead of giving that Bhagavan says Arunachala destroyed both which are what is considered ‘me’).
Here, the efforts of reaching Arunachala have been rewarded instantly. God has done what he is supposed to do which is complete destruction of body-mind consciousness. This great help is only due to the boundless grace of Arunachala.
Even if we worship Arunachala in dwiata bhava (considering him as separate from us) he still destroys our ego by his grace and makes us one with him is the meaning of this verse.