peyar ninaithidave pidith izhuthanai
Un perumai yaar arivaar Arunachala
Arunachala! The moment I thought of you, you tied me with the rope of your grace and brought me here towards you. Who can comprehend the measure of your grace that defies reason and definition?
Unless you yourself explain the reason for your grace that draws people towards you, it cannot be understood. You are the hill of magnet that immediately attracts souls that think of you. Who can understand your grace and power?
Bhagavan says that the immeasurable grace of Arunachala is the sole reason for drawing him towards the Hill, it was as if Arunachala was waiting for Bhagavan to think of Him so He could pull him towards Him. He also refers to this in his padhigam. Bhagavan wonders how Arunachala drew him towards Him (with his single-minded thought on Him) like a magnet draws iron.
Un perumai yaar arivaar Arunachala
Arunachala! The moment I thought of you, you tied me with the rope of your grace and brought me here towards you. Who can comprehend the measure of your grace that defies reason and definition?
Unless you yourself explain the reason for your grace that draws people towards you, it cannot be understood. You are the hill of magnet that immediately attracts souls that think of you. Who can understand your grace and power?
Bhagavan says that the immeasurable grace of Arunachala is the sole reason for drawing him towards the Hill, it was as if Arunachala was waiting for Bhagavan to think of Him so He could pull him towards Him. He also refers to this in his padhigam. Bhagavan wonders how Arunachala drew him towards Him (with his single-minded thought on Him) like a magnet draws iron.