Thatthuvam theriyaadh athanai utraai
Thatthuvam idhuvenn Arunachala
Arunachala! Without knowing the truth that ‘You are that’ you helped me attain that state. Shower me with your grace so as to confirm that this is the state I have attained.
Bhagavan attained the state of liberation (tat vam asi = you are that, a non dual state where no differences exist), without the traditional guru-sishya (master-disciple) relationship or upadesa on the eternal truth. Bhagavan knew Brahman by the grace of Arunachala at his young age when he did not know either the word Brahman or its meaning.
Console me by confirming that the state bestowed on me is what a disciple achieves after proper initiation and practice, says Bhagavan. Bhagavan appeared on the earth to help jivas attain moksha but he never had any formal initiation in the Maha vaakya, ‘ you are that’. Bhagavan is asking Arunachala shining as Atman swaroopam (self manifested) to confirm the self-realisation experience he had as a young boy.
Note: There are four Mahavakyas, or great statements in the Upanishads, which have a profound significance as pointers to Reality. They are: (1) Prajnanam Brahma – Consciousness is Brahman; (2) Aham Brahmasmi – I am Brahman: (3) Tat Tvam Asi – That Thou Art; (4) Ayam Atma Brahma – This Self is Brahman.
Thatthuvam idhuvenn Arunachala
Arunachala! Without knowing the truth that ‘You are that’ you helped me attain that state. Shower me with your grace so as to confirm that this is the state I have attained.
Bhagavan attained the state of liberation (tat vam asi = you are that, a non dual state where no differences exist), without the traditional guru-sishya (master-disciple) relationship or upadesa on the eternal truth. Bhagavan knew Brahman by the grace of Arunachala at his young age when he did not know either the word Brahman or its meaning.
Console me by confirming that the state bestowed on me is what a disciple achieves after proper initiation and practice, says Bhagavan. Bhagavan appeared on the earth to help jivas attain moksha but he never had any formal initiation in the Maha vaakya, ‘ you are that’. Bhagavan is asking Arunachala shining as Atman swaroopam (self manifested) to confirm the self-realisation experience he had as a young boy.
Note: There are four Mahavakyas, or great statements in the Upanishads, which have a profound significance as pointers to Reality. They are: (1) Prajnanam Brahma – Consciousness is Brahman; (2) Aham Brahmasmi – I am Brahman: (3) Tat Tvam Asi – That Thou Art; (4) Ayam Atma Brahma – This Self is Brahman.