Seppadi vidhdhai katrippadi mayakuvittu
Uruppadi viddhai kaatu Arunachala
Arunachala! The illusory nature of this material world with its desires and attractions defy verbal description. Please show me the way to become one with the Self (Atma saakshatkaram) so I don’t get deluded by the power of this magic show (that is the material life).
(Seppadi viddhai loosely means magic show, sleight of hand.) The magic show Bhagavan refers to is woven by the mind in its ignorance which takes the false world of passion and desires (aasa paasam) to be true. The jiva (individual soul) is fettered by the illusory bonds of worldly attractions and desires. To realise the Self, god’s grace is imperative, which is why Bhagavan pleads with Arunachala for his grace.
Note: Urupadu in a common parlance means to be of use, to prosper, to make living without being a wastrel. Any skill no matter how precious and sought after is only a side-show magic act compared to self realisation says Bhagavan.
Uruppadi viddhai kaatu Arunachala
Arunachala! The illusory nature of this material world with its desires and attractions defy verbal description. Please show me the way to become one with the Self (Atma saakshatkaram) so I don’t get deluded by the power of this magic show (that is the material life).
(Seppadi viddhai loosely means magic show, sleight of hand.) The magic show Bhagavan refers to is woven by the mind in its ignorance which takes the false world of passion and desires (aasa paasam) to be true. The jiva (individual soul) is fettered by the illusory bonds of worldly attractions and desires. To realise the Self, god’s grace is imperative, which is why Bhagavan pleads with Arunachala for his grace.
Note: Urupadu in a common parlance means to be of use, to prosper, to make living without being a wastrel. Any skill no matter how precious and sought after is only a side-show magic act compared to self realisation says Bhagavan.