I've been on onemonth rails and Treehouse for a couple of weeks now and I must say both are worth every dollar of your investment. That's how I see it, as an investment not an expense. Mattan has put together a very thorough Rails course for $99 which promises you a basic understanding if not immediate proficiency in Rails. And the cost is not just for one mint as you have access to the course for a year, one month is what they are promising you will need. I've done over half a months course in less than two weeks and I must say it is very interesting and the feedback and support is very encouraging. I'm on vacation in Europe now and I am doing a refresher course by researching the videos and hand coding on a notebook every day after I finish my sightseeing.
As for Treehouse, I took the Gold plan and it's worth it too. It's about $490 or so for a year which is about $40 a month, which again, in insurance speak,is less than $15 a week. A couple of pints would cost you more and leave you just high for two minutes whereas for that money you can learn a new language and even have a crack at a new field. You can still have your pint if you're that thirsty as it doesn't set you back that much. So long story short, I recommend both onemonth rails
And Treehouse courses. You can start with a silver plan which is $25 a month (do the insurance math yourself). And Treehouse offers a whole lot of courses, once I'm done with HTML CSS I'm planning on Python, their Ruby and I think they have a Bootstrap model as well. With so much knowledge available for so little it's just criminal not to learn. Go ahead and sign up, you won't regret it.