sithamkuLira kadhirathham vaithamudha
Vaayaithira aruNmadhi Arunachala
Arunachala, you who shower grace like the cool beams of the moon ( arunmadhi = arul madhi, literally, grace moon) on the mind that is troubled and exhausted by the cravings and anxieties (tapatraya) of human life, open the (closed) bud in my heart with your cool rays of grace.
In the cave of the heart resides a bud filled with the nectar of bliss, with its mouth closed outside. Just as Bhagavan compared Arunachala to the rays of the sun and his heart as a lotus bud that blossoms in sun’s rays ( in verse 27), here he compares the Lord’s grace to cool moonbeams and his heart to the bud of water lily (aambal), a flower that blossoms in moonlight.
Vaayaithira aruNmadhi Arunachala
Arunachala, you who shower grace like the cool beams of the moon ( arunmadhi = arul madhi, literally, grace moon) on the mind that is troubled and exhausted by the cravings and anxieties (tapatraya) of human life, open the (closed) bud in my heart with your cool rays of grace.
In the cave of the heart resides a bud filled with the nectar of bliss, with its mouth closed outside. Just as Bhagavan compared Arunachala to the rays of the sun and his heart as a lotus bud that blossoms in sun’s rays ( in verse 27), here he compares the Lord’s grace to cool moonbeams and his heart to the bud of water lily (aambal), a flower that blossoms in moonlight.